Adult Ministries

Kingdom Women

Kingdom Women is one of the women’s ministries here at Messiah-generally for those 21+. We encourage women to be “all-in” for our King through monthly large and/or small group studies, fellowship opportunities, and mission events. We believe God has a unique calling for each and every woman, and together we use our talents and gifts for His Kingdom. To God be the glory!

Group of women mostly dressed in red sitting at a table for holiday tea.

Not Ready for Prime Time Players

Not Ready for Prime Time Players is for adults from ages 35 and older although no one younger than 35 is ever turned away! They plan around 6 activities a year like Valentine or Progressive Dinners, Bunco, Bingo, and Chili Parties, Baseball Games, Ice Cream Socials, or Good-Time Barbecues. You are guaranteed to meet some great people and have fun at these events.

If you’re interested in learning more about Not Ready for Prime Time Players, please contact Ellen Thorne.


Joining Other Young Families Uplifting the Lord

JOYFUL is the newest small group at Messiah, and BIG things are happening!

Comprised primarily of families with young children, JOYFUL meets twice a month on Sunday evenings. The adults enjoy a potluck meal and fellowship, while the kiddos go off to the provided childcare! (Please make sure the kids are fed prior to arriving)

We are so excited for what God is doing with our group. It is so important that during these turbulent years in a family’s life, we are surrounded by people who understand our struggle.

Come be JOYFUL with us!

Logo for JOYFUL ministry

WHERE: E110S—1st floor of the Education Building
WHEN: 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month — 4-5:30PM
GROUP SIZE: About 30


The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ.—1 Corinthians 12:12

The name Mosaics come from the idea that our class is a Mosaic composed of lots of different parts. We are comprised mostly of people in their 30s and 40s though we would never exclude anyone. We have people who are married, singles, divorced, students, executives, stay at home moms, hourly employees, people from all walks of life.

Our class works because we are all different and bring different things to the table for our group discussions. Our main focus is getting to know each other and growing together in Christ.

We have some pieces missing in our Mosaic, come see how you fit!

An image a colorful mosaic with a cross and the Messiah logo on it, Reads "Mosaics"

WHERE: E220S—2nd floor of the Education Building
WHEN: Every Sunday — 9:45-10:40AM
GROUP SIZE: About 30

Prime Timers

PRIMETIMERS is a vibrant, growing ministry of older adults who enjoy:

  • Fellowship and strong relationships
  • Growing personally and spiritually
  • Tools for navigating retirement
  • Using their talents and passions to MAKE A DIFFERENCE

For more information, contact the Dennis Hiser.

Growing Marriages in Christ (GMC)

Righteous people flourish like palm trees and grow tall like the cedars in Lebanon —Psalm 92:12

The Growing Marriages in Christ Bible Study has been meeting for over 15 years. When we started, we were a group of 20-30 year olds with no children or very young children, and we have grown a lot since then.

We believe our success as a group comes down to three things:

Having a similar life situation—We’re now comprised of people in their upper 30s to early 50s, and most of us have kids.

Having regular fellowship—The time we spend in fellowship helps to strengthen our relationships with each other.

Caring for each other—We dedicate time each week to celebrate our wins and bear each other’s burdens.

We love welcoming new people in to this family. Come join us!

Image of a green tree and the Messiah logo - reads "GMC"

WHERE: E233N—2nd floor of the Education Building (next to the Library)
WHEN: Every Sunday — 9:45-10:40AM
GROUP SIZE: About 10-15

Lutheranism 101

Have you ever been asked the question, “What do you believe?”

This lively, discussion based class helps us to answer that question by looking at both God’s Word and our Lutheran Doctrine in the Book of Concord. The Lutheran Confessions take God’s Word and make it practical for us both to better understand and to live out our faith as Lutherans. See you in the upstairs multi-purpose room!

WHERE: E215S—2nd floor of the Education Building
WHEN: Every Sunday — 9:45-10:40AM
GROUP SIZE: About 65


FOCUS is a small group that goes through bible one book, one chapter, one verse at a time. It is so important to have a comprehensive understanding of the word of God, and that is our mission.

Join us weekly for in-depth discussions about the bible, the whole bible, and nothing but the bible.

WHERE: E237N—2nd floor of the Education Building
WHEN: Every Sunday — 9:45-10:40AM
GROUP SIZE: About 10

Investment Clubs

Faithful Investors Club meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00
pm. The members research stocks to purchase for the club’s portfolio. Research sources include “Value Line”, “Standard & Poor’s and guidelines from the National Association of Investment Clubs.

If any member of Messiah is interested they can contact the church office for more information.

Sunday Morning Bible Class with Pastor Kollmann

Apply your heart to instruction, and your ear to words of knowledge.            -Proverbs 23:12

Rev. Dr. Victor Kollmann attended college at St. Paul’s College, Concordia Senior College, and graduated from Concordia Teacher’s College. He graduated from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri in 1981 with a Master of Divinity degree. Since then he has earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California, in Church Leadership and Church Growth.

Pastor Kollmann’s commitment to education is evident in this Sunday Morning bible class he has led for over 25 years. Since coming on staff as the Senior Pastor of Messiah in 1992, Pastor Kollmann has led a Lecture style bible class for all ages.

Join us for a deeper dive in to the Word of God.

Picture of an open Bible with the Messiah candle logo above it

WHERE: E110S, First floor Conference Room in the Education Building
WHEN: Every Sunday — 9:45AM-10:40AM
GROUP SIZE: About 65

Boy Scouts

Boy Scout Troop 198 is chartered by Messiah Lutheran Church to bring the Scouting program to 10-17 years old boys. We offer a fun and diverse program with monthly camping, high adventure and active leadership development. Visit our website or contact Ken Myers for more information.

Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study

“I see our group as a beautiful tapestry of faith-filled women urging each other forward toward a closer relationship with God. I picture us joined together by a gold thread being God’s love for us and for each other.”                    — A Faithful Class Member

Our small group focuses on three important principles:

  • Learning about Jesus by studying His Word
  • Living according to the example and wisdom of biblical role models
  • Loving the wide variety of women found in our group

We also have great fellowship with one another through laughter, tears, serious discussions and light-hearted chats.

Childcare is available and FREE during the bible study!

Please come join us for a time of sisterhood.

Image of women i fellowship drinking cappacino together and smiling

WHERE: E245N—2nd floor of the Education Building
WHEN: Every Thursday — 9:30AM-11:00AM
GROUP SIZE: About 20

Wednesday Men’s Lunch

Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.—Martin Luther

This Men’s bible study provides a second wind in the middle of the long week. It is an opportunity to get away from our obligations and re-center our spiritual being.

Pastor Don Welmer is a wealth of knowledge and has a knack for distilling discussion topics in to a lunch sized portion. If you work in the area and can get away for just a little while, come join us for a feast of food and edification.

WHERE: E110S—On the first floor of the Education Building
WHEN: Wednesdays 12-1PM
GROUP SIZE: About 20

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study with Pastor Kollmann

She is clothed with strength and dignity, She can laugh at the days to come.                —Proverbs 31:25

The goal of this LifeLight bible study is to meet ladies right where they are and come along side them – encouraging, supporting, praying and equipping them in their journey with God. We want to grow our faith and demonstrate His love and grace through our lives and relationships.

We want to encourage and equip women to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.  As we study the word and serve the Lord together, we want every woman to feel loved and accepted for who she is in Christ so that she is transformed and empowered to live out Christ’s love and grace.

We hope to see you there!

Image of two women providing support and holding hands at a table while drinking coffee with text that reads "Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study with Pastor Kollmann"

WHERE: E110S—1st floor of the Education Building
WHEN: Every Tuesday — 9:30-11:00AM
GROUP SIZE: About 50

If you’re still looking for more opportunities check out these groups!


Every month 25-30 members of all ages and family types gather together at a local restaurant for dinner. Every month is different. This is one of the easiest ways to get to know a great group of Messiah members. Watch the bulletins, Messenger, and events portion of the website for upcoming outings.


This group gets together on two Fridays a month to play cards. Call the church office for the next date.


Every month a group gathers for a potluck dinner and a classic movie from the 1930s-60s. There is no charge for this event. Hosted by Chuck and Ellen Thorne. Call Ellen or the church office for details.