Footprints of Faith – Baptism and Sunday School

FOOTPRINTS OF FAITH will resume later this summer, to make sure all milestones in their faith journey are recognized.  First up will be this past year’s 3 year old class in July, followed by new Kindergarten children in August, Bibles for 2nd grade in September, and Catechisms for 3rd grade in October. At that point, all classes will be caught up!


Since the Lutheran Church baptizes infants, children may ask about this special day as they get older.  When they are 2 years old, they can start attending Sunday School to get used to the routine.  By the time they are coming to the 3 year old class, they get it.  They love hearing Bible stories, creating masterpieces out of paper plates, crayons, and glue.  And they can sing those Bible songs at the top of their lungs!Footprints Baptism

Each year near the Sunday when we remember the Baptism of Jesus, we revisit Baptism with the families of our 3 year old class.  In the morning, all the families of these students share breakfast together at 9:00 am.  After some great food and fellowship, the parents stay together for a refresher on the promises parents made for their children at their Baptism day.  The students learn about their own Baptism through show and tell at breakfast, and a special story and craft in Sunday School.  During the 11:00 worship service, we recognize these families for keeping their Baptismal promises, and present each child with a seashell candle to celebrate their Baptism birthday.